• 别称泉城、齐州、泺邑。济南市是国家历史文化名城,因地处古四渎之一“济水”之南而得名,济南因境内泉水众多,拥有“七十二名泉”,素有“天下第一泉”和“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”的美誉。济南是拥有“山、泉、湖、河、城”独特风貌的旅游城市。

  • 济南大学位于山东省济南市,是山东省人民政府和教育部共建的综合性大学,首批山东省应用型人才培养特色名校、教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”高校、全国首批深化创新创业教育改革示范高校,入选国家“111计划”、国家级新工科研究与实践项目、国家级工程实践教育中心、为“一带一路”智库合作联盟理事单位。

  • 大明湖历史悠久,纪念古人政绩、行踪的建筑以及自然景观很多,诸如历下亭、铁公祠、小沧浪、北极阁、汇波楼、南丰祠、遐园、稼轩祠等,引得历代文人前来凭吊、吟咏。唐代以后的历代诗人,都留下了著名的诗篇。

  • 趵突泉,北临泺源堂,西傍观澜亭,东架来鹤桥,南有长廊围合。泉水从地下石灰岩溶洞中涌出,每天涌出7万立方米泉水,泉水有三个出水口,最大涌水量为16.2万立方米/天,趵突泉水一年四季恒定在18℃左右。

  • 千佛山古称历山。隋朝年间,山东佛教盛行,虔诚的教徒依山沿壁镌刻了为数较多的石佛,建千佛寺而得名千佛山。 登上一览亭,凭栏北望,近处大明湖如镜,远处黄河如带,泉城景色一览无遗。

  • 作为鲁菜发源地,大到九转大肠、黄河鲤鱼,小到油旋、甜沫,济南有无数拿的出手的美食。但只有把子肉,是所有济南人的心头肉,五花大绑,虽经炙烤却香而不腻,早已成为市民与游客餐桌上的下饭神器。


The 2023 International Workshop on Complex-systems for Future Technologies and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in Zhengzhou, China, 27th – 29th October, 2023. The workshop was organized by Zhengzhou University, and was technically sponsored by School of Mathematics at the Southeast University and the Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks at the City University of Hong Kong.



The 2022 International Workshop on Complex-systems for Future Technologies and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in Guangzhou, China, 25th November – 28th November, 2022. The workshop was organized by Guangdong University of Technology, and was technically sponsored by School of Mathematics at the Southeast University and the Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks at the City University of Hong Kong.



The 2021 International Workshop on Complex-systems for Future Technologies and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in Zhanjiang, China, 10th December – 12th December, 2021. The workshop was organized by Guangdong Ocean University, Central South University,Hunan University and Xiangtan University, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.



The 2020 International Workshop on Complex-systems for Future Technologies and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in Changsha, China, 23th – 25th October, 2020. The workshop was organized by Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Networked Collective Intelligence at the Southeast University, and was technically sponsored by School of Mathematics at the Southeast University and the City University of Hong Kong.



The 2019 International Workshop on Complex-systems for Future Technologies and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in Nanjing, China, 12th October – 13th October, 2019. The workshop was organized by Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Networked Collective Intelligence at the Southeast University, and was technically sponsored by School of Mathematics at the Southeast University and the City University of Hong Kong.



The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications was held in Chongqing, China, 11th-13th October, 2018. The workshop was organized by Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Networked Collective Intelligence at the Southeast University, and was technically sponsored by School of Mathematics at the Southeast University and the Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks at the City University of Hong Kong.



The IWCFTA was held in Qinhuangdao, Hebei, August 15-18, 2017. The workshop was organized by City University of Hong Kong, Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao, Tianjin Polytechnic University and Northeastern University, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.



The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications was held in Zhangzhou, Fujian, December 1-4, 2016. The workshop was organized by Northeastern University, Minnan normal university and City University of Hong Kong, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.



The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications was held in Harbin, Heilongjiang, August 29 - September 1, 2015. The workshop was organized by Northeastern University, Heilongjiang University and City University of Hong Kong, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.



The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications was held in Qingdao, Shandong, during September 12-14, 2014. The workshop was organized by Northeastern University,Shandong University of Technology and City University of Hong Kong, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.



The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in Taiyuan, Shanxi, during August 8-11 , 2013. The workshop was organized by Northeastern University,Taiyuan University of Technology and City University of Hong Kong, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.



The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in Dalian, Liaoning, during October 18-21, 2012. The workshop was organized by Northeastern University, Dalian Nationalities University and City University of Hong Kong, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.



The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications was held in one of the most picturesque cities of China and home of the scenic West Lake, Hangzhou, during October 19-22, 2011. The workshop was organized by Northeastern University, Hangzhou Dianzi University and City University of Hong Kong.



The 2010 International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications and the Fifth Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization were held in Kunming, China. The two workshops took place at the same time and venue, thus taking full advantage of the complementary strengths of their technical contents and the mutual interests of the two groups of audience.



Shenyang, a Chinese city full of culture and history, was the venue for the Second International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications, which was successfully held in November 6-8, 2009. The workshop was hosted and organized by Northeastern University, China, co-organized by City University of Hong Kong, and technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the IEEE CAS Society.



IWCFTA 2008 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists, researchers and engineers to present the state-of-the-art advancements in the studies of chaos-fractals theories and their applications to complex systems, cryptography, multimedia, finance, communications, biology and beyond.