• 是中国最早实行对外开放政策的四个经济特区之一,由厦门岛、离岛鼓浪屿、西岸海沧半岛、北岸集美半岛、 东岸翔安半岛、大小嶝岛、内陆同安、九龙江等组成。厦门的主体——厦门岛是厦门经济特区的发祥地,岛上有厦门最早的商业和政治中心。

  • 位于福建省东南沿海,是全国18个改革开放典型地区之一,是中国著名侨乡和台湾汉族同胞主要祖籍地,被 评为东亚文化之都、国际花园城市、感动世界的中国品牌城市、中国大陆最佳商业城市、获得“联合国”迪拜国际改善人居环境最佳范例奖。

  • 是福建省东南部沿海城市,地处“闽南金三角”,与台湾隔海相望,是海峡西岸中心城市之一,中国“田园都市,生态之城”, 生态竞争力位居福建第一,“海上丝绸之路”九大申遗城市之一,国家闽南文化生态保护区,著名的“鱼米花果之乡”和历史文化名城。

  • 是福建省重点建设高校, 学校建有3个省级重点实验室,福建省社科研究基地1个,2个省部级人文社科基地,2个省级“2011协同创新中心”,6个科研创新平台,并入选福建省首批科技拥军示范基地。

  • 是福建省厦门市思明区下辖的一个街道,是厦门最大的一个卫星岛之一, 有“海上花园”、“万国建筑博览”、“钢琴之岛”、“音乐之乡”之美称。2007年05月08日起,厦门市鼓浪屿风景名胜区经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区。

  • 位于漳州南靖县境内,那里山川秀美、人文丰富。村中幽长古道、百年老榕、神奇土楼,还有那灵山碧水,无不给人以超然的感觉。 2005年底,由张克辉以自己和几位台胞的生活阅历为原型创作的电影文学剧本《寻找》改编的电影《云水谣》曾经在此拍摄取景。

  • 舌尖上的福建,福建小吃包括:蚵仔煎、七星鱼丸、佛跳墙、太平燕、面线糊和芋泥等。福建小吃分为福州小吃、厦门小吃、泉州小吃、莆田小吃、漳州小吃、龙岩小吃、南平小吃、沙县小吃等。每天晨曦微露之时,顾客纷至沓来,色味芬芳,十分诱人。


The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in Harbin, Heilongjiang, August 29 - September 1, 2015. The workshop was organized by Northeastern University, Heilongjiang University and City University of Hong Kong, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.


The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in Qingdao, Shandong, during September 12-14, 2014. The workshop was organized by Northeastern University,Shandong University of Technology and City University of Hong Kong, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.


The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in Taiyuan, Shanxi, during August 8-11 , 2013. The workshop was organized by Northeastern University,Taiyuan University of Technology and City University of Hong Kong, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.


The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in Dalian, Liaoning, during October 18-21, 2012. The workshop was organized by Northeastern University, Dalian Nationalities University and City University of Hong Kong, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.


The International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA) was held in one of the most picturesque cities of China and home of the scenic West Lake, Hangzhou, during October 19-22, 2011. The workshop was organized by Northeastern University, Hangzhou Dianzi University and City University of Hong Kong, and was technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the CAS Society.


The 2010 International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications and the Fifth Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization were held in Kunming, China. The two workshops took place at the same time and venue, thus taking full advantage of the complementary strengths of their technical contents and the mutual interests of the two groups of audience.




Shenyang, a Chinese city full of culture and history, was the venue for the Second International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications, which was successfully held in November 6-8, 2009. The workshop was hosted and organized by Northeastern University, China, co-organized by City University of Hong Kong, and technically sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems of the IEEE CAS Society.




IWCFTA 2008 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists, researchers and engineers to present the state-of-the-art advancements in the studies of chaos-fractals theories and their applications to complex systems, cryptography, multimedia, finance, communications, biology and beyond.