• 简称“郑”,史谓“天地之中”,古称商都,今谓绿城,河南省辖地级市、省会、特大城市 。郑州是华夏文明的重要发祥地、国家历史文化名城,是国家重点支持的六大遗址片区之一。

  • 郑州大学是教育部与河南省人民政府部省合建高校、国家“双一流”建设高校、“211工程”建设高校。站在新的历史起点上,学校确立了综合性研究型大学办学定位,努力建设高水平研究型大学和区域性国家战略科技力量,提出了一流大学建设“三步走”发展战略,力争到本世纪中叶建成世界一流大学。

  • 河南博物院创建于1927年,是我国首批中央地方共建国家级博物馆之一。院区占地面积126亩,建筑面积5.5万平方米。现有馆藏文物17万余件(套),尤以史前文物、商周青铜器、历代陶瓷器、玉器及石刻最具特色。精品文物数量多、种类全、品位高、价值大,是见证中华文明发展轨迹,展示中国历史发展脉络的文化艺术宝库。

  • 郑州黄河风景名胜区,又称郑州黄河水利风景区,位于河南省省会郑州市西北20千米处黄河之滨,南依岳山,北临黄河,历经四十年的开发建设,现已开放面积20多平方千米,形成了融观光旅游、休闲度假、科普教育、寻根祭祖、弘扬华夏文明为一体的大型风景名胜区。

  • 烩面是郑州特色美食,有着悠久的历史。它是一种荤、素、汤、菜、饭聚而有之的传统风味小吃,以味道鲜美,经济实惠,享誉中原,遍及全国。另外一个闻名天下的小吃则是胡辣汤,大街小巷的各种早餐铺子都可以看到它的踪影,郑州王师傅胡辣汤味道突出胡椒的椒香,后味中有微微的辣,汤中的粉条、木耳、牛肉、面筋、豆皮让这碗貌不惊人的汤也随之生动起来。

The 16th IWCFTA, Zhengzhou, China, 27th-29th October, 2023 <--Click To Enter(点击进入)

The International Workshop on Complex-systems for Future Technologies and Applications (IWCFTA) will be the successor of the formerly successfully series of International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications. The new workshop will cover topics beyond Chaos and Fractal Theory to general complex systems which are abundant in modern society.

With the development of science and technology, great progress has been made in the study of complex systems. Represented by complex networks, chaos and fractal theory, nonlinear science provides new horizons and tools for the research in the fields of complex systems, cryptography, signal processing, multimedia, communication systems, big data, artificial intelligence, biology and economic systems. Adhering to the tenet of the previous fifteen conferences, the 16th IWCFTA aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists, researchers and engineers at home and abroad to exchange and discuss the latest discoveries of complex systems theory and its applications in many future technological fields.

It will provide a high-level international forum for researchers and students to present recent research results, address new challenges and discuss trends in the area of complex systems and interdisciplinary science. The focus of the conference is on the most relevant methodologies and approaches to understanding, modelling, simulating, predicting, evaluating and mastering various Societal, Ecological, Biological and Engineered Complex Systems.