Conference registration must
be done before August 15th, 2010.
Registration fees:
Regular registration:
RMB or 335 USD
Student registration£º1500
RMB or 200 USD (Only applicable to student as first author, and student card
must be scanned and mail to
*Non-author attendee: 800 RMB or 110 USD (student 400 RMB or 55 USD) *
The registration fee includes: |
- One copy of the conference proceedings and a CD-ROM. |
- Daily coffee and meals. |
- One banquet on October 30, 2010. |
- All keynote addresses, tutorial sessions, and special sessions offered during the conference. |
* Non-author attendee will NOT have a copy of the proceedings. |
Notice: |
1. Joint conference opening ceremony will serve for both the 5th APWCCS and the 3rd IWCFTA. |
2. During the conference, sessions of both workshops will be held separately. |
3. A participant registered for the 5th APWCCS can also attend the 3rd IWCFTA without additional registration. |
Please pay the registration
fee by bank transfer to:
Name of Company: Yunnan Normal University
Name of Bank: Jianshe Road Branch Bank of Kunming Bank of Communications
Account of Bank: 531078126010149120252
Swift code:
Please remark ¡°IWCFTA10 Registration+Paper ID¡± (Non-author attendee
¡°IWCFTA10 attendance + Name¡±) when remit your registration fee. A
scanned bank
transfer form is required to be mailed to secretary@chaos-fractal.cn for
Conference Address:
Yunnan Dianchi Garden Resort Hotel & Spa (4 star, including breakfast)
Standard Room: Single RMB 250 Yuan Double RMB 250 Yuan (two persons shared)
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